Heading Towards the Finish

Three weeks ago, it was evident that the build schedule proposed by our Build Contractor and posted to this blog site was not getting implemented.

Our build contractor was overwhelmed  with the size and scope of our build and the other build customers that were in the same pipeline.

Mike Magowan (Go Long financial expert) and Tim along with two  investors in Go Long II (Tom Kane and Earl Scott -who have extensive wireless planning and site build experience) intervened and re-structured some of the principal contractors administrative staff, techs, and support personnel into a Go Long specific work force supervised and supported directly by Go Long Management.

We brought more resources to the table, added an incentive program, re-structured build teams and performed a deep dive to uncover any logistical, equipment, contractual or personnel challenges. A new plan was implemented (and is constantly being tweaked) to ensure success.

Go Long management is now on-site in Fairfax, Virginia working directly with this new team.

As of today (June 11,2019), we have 45 of 98 sites completed.

We are scheduled to install 18 sites a week until the sites are completed.  We are sure “Murphy” will show up in one shape or another, so we are planning on a conservative build schedule of 15 sites a week until we are completed.

The future build schedule will look like this:

      • June 15th we should have 60 of 98 complete.
      • By June 23rd we should have 75 of 98 complete.
      • By June 30th we should have 90 of 98 complete.
      • By July 10th we should have 98 of 98 complete.
      • The deadline for the FCC is July 26th.

The July 26th deadline gives us 2 weeks of time to work out any remaining issues from the completion of our conservative build schedule.

We have our build separated into three distinct labor forces that are responsible and highly incentivized to complete their scope of work on time (By the end of June).

Bonus structures are in place and we are on the field from now until the build is complete insuring that any challenges in communication, resources, site acquisition or personnel are identified and solved as soon as possible.  We have built a strong team, have a good leadership structure in place and we have personally vetted everyone to the best of our ability.

We will keep you updated as we go along….Any questions, please contact Tim@golongwireless.com  or Bruce@golongwireless.com